Matthias Wessling

full professor
RWTH Aachen University
Chemical Process Engineering (AVT.CVT)
Research interests:
development and application of membrane technology for current global challenges
particularly hybrid processes and electrochemical membrane reactors
Short CV / biography / description of scientific focus and achievements:
Matthias Wessling is the Head of the Department of Chemical Process Engineering. For his work on membrane research he has received the Alexander von Humboldt Professorship, which is Germany’s highest doted award for research. He is Editor of the Journal of Membrane Science, the sector leading journal in membrane research.
After studying chemical engineering in Dortmund and Cincinatti, he did his PhD in Twente/NL. He was Senior Research Scientist at Membrane Technology and Research Inc., Menlo Park, CA and head of the Department of Separation Processes at Akzo Nobel. From 2000 to 2010, he was Chair of Membrane Science and Technology at the University of Twente.
Relevant publications:
H Roth, Y Gendel, P Buzatu, O David, M Wessling, (2016) Tubular carbon nanotube-based gas diffusion electrode removes persistent organic pollutants by a cyclic adsorption–Electro-Fenton process Journal of Hazardous Materials 307, P 1-6
D Menne, J Kamp, JE Wong, M Wessling, (2016) Precise tuning of salt retention of backwashable polyelectrolyte multilayer hollow fiber nanofiltration membranes - Journal of Membrane Science 499, P. 396-405
S Bannwarth, T Trieu, C Oberschelp, M Wessling, (2016) On-line monitoring of cake layer structure during fouling on porous membranes by in situ electrical impedance analysis - Journal of Membrane Science 498, P. 291-301
B Ohs, J Lohaus, M Wessling, (2016) On-line monitoring of cake layer structure during fouling on porous membranes by in situ electrical impedance analysis - Journal of Membrane Science 498, P. 291-301
Niewersch, C., Bloch, ALB., Yüce, S., Melin, T., Wessling M.,(2014) Nanofiltration for the recovery of phosphorus — Development of a mass transport mode, Desalination, Elsevier Volume 346, 1 August 2014, P 70–78