Ivet Ferrer

Dr. Ivet Ferrer is Associate Professor at the Barcelona School of Civil Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya·BarcelonaTech (UPC) in Spain. She is member of the Environmental Engineering and Microbiology Research Group (GEMMA, http://gemma.upc.edu/). Her research has focused on the anaerobic digestion of solid residues to produce biogas in the context of waste and wastewater treatment systems. Particularly, on strategies to improve the methane yield by applying pretreatment techniques, thermophilic digestion and codigestion of different substrates like microalgae, sludge, straw or manure. Author of more than 40 papers in international peer reviewed scientific journals, her papers have received more than 1100 citations and her h-index is 17. She is Associate Editor of the Journal Algal Research (Elsevier).