Arne Verliefde

associate professor
Ghent University (UGent)
Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
Department of Analytical & Applied Physical Chemistry
Particle and Interfacial Technology group (PainT)
Research interests:
drinking water treatment
industrial water treatment
transport phenomena
trace organic pollutants
selective separation
sanitation in developing countries
Short CV / biography / description of scientific focus and achievements:
Arne Verliefde’s main research interest is on interfacial phenomena in separation processes for water treatment and water recycling. He defended his PhD at Delft University in 2008, and was appointed professor at Ghent University in 2011. His research is focused on 3 main pillars:
- 1) unravelling, measuring and predicting interaction and transport mechanisms between solutes and membranes;
- 2) industrial water treatment and water-fit-for-use – including the link between corrosion and water quality; and
- 3) novel, energy-efficient sanitation, nutrient recovery and drinking water treatment for developing countries.
Arne has built a strong track record in this field and has good connections with several highly regarded international research partners and important industrial partners in the waste- and process water industry, as well as the chemical industry. Arne’s total career publications include 65 peer reviewed journal articles.
Relevant publications:
A.R.D. Verliefde, E.R. Cornelissen, S.G.J. Heijman, J.Q.J.C. Verberk, G.L. Amy, B. Van der Bruggen and J.C. van Dijk, The role of electrostatic interactions on the rejection of organic solutes in aqueous solutions with nanofiltration, Journal of Membrane Science, 322 (1) (2008) 52.
A.R.D. Verliefde, E.M.V. Hoek, E.R. Cornelissen, S.G.J. Heijman, G.L. Amy, B. Van der Bruggen and J.C. van Dijk, Influence of solute-membrane affinity on the rejection of uncharged organic solutes by nanofiltration/reverse osmosis: derivation and validation of a novel model, Environmental Science & Technology, 43 (7) (2009) 2400.
A. D'Haese, P. Le-Clech, S. Van Nevel, K. Verbeken, E.R. Cornelissen, S.J. Khan and A.R.D. Verliefde, Trace organic solutes in closed-loop forward osmosis applications: Influence of membrane fouling and modeling of solute build-up, Water Research 47 (2013) 5232-5244
T.O. Mahlangu, E.M.V. Hoek, B.B. Mamba and A.R.D. Verliefde, Influence of organic, colloidal and combined fouling on NF rejection of NaCl and carbamazepine: Role of solute-foulant-membrane interactions and cake-enhanced concentration polarization, Journal of Membrane Science 471 (2014) 35-46
M. Vanoppen, A.F.A.M. Bakelants, D. Gaublomme, K.V.K.M. Schoutteten, J. Vanden Bussche, L. Vanhaecke and A.R.D. Verliefde, Properties governing the transport of trace organic contaminants through ion-exchange membranes, Environmental Science and Technology 49 (2015) 489-497